Single Sided Deafness

Описание к видео Single Sided Deafness

Single-sided deafness (SSD) is defined as severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss in one ear and normal or near-normal hearing in the other.
However, there is currently no consensus on standardized audiological criteria for defining SSD.
Binaural hearing enables input from both ears and allows our brain to separate speech from background noise to hear better in noisy places, such as restaurants, classrooms, and social gatherings.
The ability to localize sound is compromised in individuals with single-sided deafness and they are more likely to struggle with tinnitus.
Profound unilateral hearing loss has been shown to have a substantial impact on socialization, learning, work productivity, and reduced quality of life.
Single Sided Deafness can cause the following problems-
-Aural fullness, and
- Changes in the vestibular system
it also causes problems with
-Sound localization
-Understand speech in noisy environments and maintain spatial awareness,
-Decreased quality of life (QoL) and
-Increased social isolation
in Children it may cause
- Impaired linguistic and academic performance,
- Impaired cognition and
- Poor QoL

Unilateral hearing loss with disruption of binaural inputs results in brain reorganization with a weakening in the representation of the deprived ear and a strengthening in the representation of the intact ear (“auditory preference syndrome”) .
Brain reorganization is detectable 5 weeks after the onset of SSD in adults

TREATMENT OPTIONS Hearing can be established via -

Contralateral or CROS hearing aid (sometimes called a biCros hearing aid) – 2 devices
The device worn on the functioning ear is a hearing aid, and the device worn on the non-functioning ear is a microphone.
The microphone picks up sound from the non-functional side and sends it to the functioning side to provide sound awareness.
It does not treat the poor hearing ear but helps provide sound awareness. 
External sound pressor picks up sound from the poor hearing side and sends it to the better hearing side by bone conduction. 
Again, the goal is to provide sound awareness on the poorer hearing side rather than treat the hearing loss
Reducing tinnitus and
Improving sound localization,
Speech understanding, and
Quality of life.
Cochlear implantation (CI) is distinguished by its ability to restore binaural hearing, producing significant improvements in speech perception, spatial localization, tinnitus control, and overall quality of life.

CI is not suitable for cases of cochlear nerve deficiency (CND), a relatively common cause of congenital SSD.

Surgical anxiety contributes to the rejection of BCD and CI.

At the MedFirst ENT Centre, we offer you the latest and best ENT care in an ethical and efficient manner.

Dr (Major) Rajesh Bhardwaj who heads the Centre served in the Army for Fifteen years and brings the ethos of the Army into his practice.
Disclaimer: The contents of this video, including any information, products, or services offered, are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen or heard in this video. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.


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