Process of Forging a Powerful Steel Sword. Amazing Korean Swordsmith

Описание к видео Process of Forging a Powerful Steel Sword. Amazing Korean Swordsmith

A swordmaker for 30 years, Younghoon Chung has been making traditional Korean swords and swords from around the world for over 30 years.
He has been engaged in various creative activities, including the restoration of the Sainchang Sword in 2010 (Nakhwa Art Museum) and the restoration of the Yi Samjangun Unwol Sword in 2011 (Korea National Academy of Arts).
Currently, he is running Naradogum with two generations to preserve and promote Korean traditional swords.

Workshop in Video: Nara Sword 나라도검

You can contact him directly.
[email protected]

대나무를 단칼에 베는 강력한 강철 도검을 만드는 과정. 40년 경력의 한국 도검장, 진검, 카타나
Macht ein mächtiges Schwert, das Bambus in einem Schlag schneidet. Erstaunlicher koreanischer Schwertschmied

#Sword #Swordsmith #Process #Katana #Hwando

This film was directed and produced by Joon hyung Shin.
Copyright(C) 2022. workmanship. all rights reserved. Director Joon-hyung Shin


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