Simply go around | SS14

Описание к видео Simply go around | SS14

those poor poor chartiders..
we docked right next to the AI and didnt care enough to kill it, thats just how boss we really are
near the end the hotbar overlay becomes a little desync'd

Discoal server:   / discord  

recorded on goobstation
music used in order of use
1: Undefined Theory - A guy   • "Undefined Theory" | SS13 Fan Track  
2: Rigor mortis - Fleetwire    • Fleetwire - Rigor Mortis [IC2 Version]  
3: Postal 2 map music -    • Map Muzak  
4: ROMP.fla - Fleetwire    • ROMP.Fla (Fleetwire)  


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