The December 2023 UMC Year in Review

Описание к видео The December 2023 UMC Year in Review

Nearly 8,000 churches have left the United Methodist Church denomination since 2019. In this video, learn about the impact of disaffiliations on General Conferences, the tone-deaf response of the Council of Bishops (a pay raise for Bishops), and what has happened to churches who have left the UMC, and what has happened to churches who have remained in the denomination.

It is our belief that we are not at the end of the line with respect to disaffiliations and conflict will continue through 2024.

Further, in the very near future all churches will need to address one of the most pressing issues of church operations – senior pastor transitions that will ultimately lead to more church mergers. Moreover, recent data shows that more people want to go to church than previously thought, and local churches will need to find a way to respond to the call for religion.

If your church is interested in hiring our firm to evaluate or assist with disaffiliations, mergers or zoning for schools, please call our office at (313) 859-6000 or email me at [email protected] to set up a consultation.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.


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