Aion OST - Dark Poeta

Описание к видео Aion OST - Dark Poeta

This is the music that plays in Dark Poeta.
All of these go in order as you progress through the instance, seven pieces in a row. Which makes this the longest piece of music I'll make.The picture is the Incarnation of Wrath in Tiamaranta's fort of Heart of Wrath

''Dark Poeta, is the Elysean Poeta. In the future. The instance of Dark Poeta shows how the Balaur will move forward destroying everything in their path if held unstopped. However, Eventhough this is in the future, the balaur want to use Dark Poeta to win their part in the past.''

idlf1_field-1 - 0.00 - 2.35
idlf1_field-2 - 2.36 - 5.31
idlf1_field-3 - 5.32 - 10.02
idlf1_field-4 - 10.03 - 11.58
idlf1_field-5 - 11.59 - 14.17
idlf1_field-6 - 14.18 - 16.46
idlf1_field-7 - 16.45 - 19.03

The picture comes from some random place off the internet.
The music belongs to Aion, NCSoft


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