Are genital warts treatable? - Dr. Sunita Pawar Shekokar?

Описание к видео Are genital warts treatable? - Dr. Sunita Pawar Shekokar?

Genital warts is called as the sexually transmitted diseases. It is caused by HPV virus i.e. Human Papilloma Virus. We can have a treatment for that. Either we can do if it is a small growth, TCA application and if there is a big growth like cauliflower growth we can do the surgical excision i.e. cutting of warts or electrocautery. We can do the laser therapy or cryotherapy also called as the freezing of the warts. But before doing the wart excision we have to do the cervical PAP smear because Human Papilloma Virus causes cervical cancer. So do the PAP smear get the excision of the warts and again after three to six months repeat the PAP smear to rule out any cervical intraepithelial growth or early cervical cancer.


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