BILL WAGASY: Retired Navy SEAL, Stories of War, Patriot Tour, Keeping A Strong Mindset

Описание к видео BILL WAGASY: Retired Navy SEAL, Stories of War, Patriot Tour, Keeping A Strong Mindset

Welcome to this week’s episode of the Team Never Quit podcast. Today, we are honored to host Bill Wagasy, a decorated U.S. Navy SEAL veteran, former Notre Dame football player, and current VP of national sales for Commonwealth Land Title Company. Bill’s journey from the gridiron to the battlefield and beyond is nothing short of extraordinary.In college, Bill played as a reserve outside linebacker under Coach Lou Holtz, and harnessed the lasting influence of Coach Holtz’s relentless pursuit of excellence. Post-college, Bill pursued a law degree and a master’s in dispute resolution from Pepperdine University. However, driven by a deep sense of duty, Bill joined the Navy and became a Navy SEAL, completing four combat tours between 2002 and 2012—three in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. His specialties included lead sniper, lead breacher, JTAC, and lead navigator.
After his military career, Bill discusses the transition to civilian life and working with the Gary Sinise Foundation, and the importance of resilience, duty, and honor in his life and career.
We are deeply grateful to Bill Wagasy for sharing his powerful story. His unwavering dedication to service and the indomitable spirit he embodies serve as an inspiration to us all.

In This Episode You Will Hear:
• The first time she [my sister] ever did Boston [marathon] was the year of the bombing. That was the first public event I ever went to when I got out of the SEAL teams. (16:08)
• I feel like a wonderful, all-American upbringing. (22:28)
• My coach [at Notre Dame] was coach [Lou] Holtz. (27:43)
• One of the greatest things I can say about him [Coach Lou Holtz] – He brought an intensity and a passion every single day for five years I was there. He never had an off day. (27:57)
• Do what’s right. It’s not right to find your teammate’s wallet before he loses it. (28:52)
• The way you show people you care – is if you're part of a team, you have to put forth incredible effort and mental focus. Do your best in every single facet, from execution and preparation. (29:1
• Every day, you’ve gotta bring it. (29:51)
• There’s nothing that anybody could’ve ever said to me when I was going through SEAL training that would have the effect of what Coach Holtz said to me. (32:42)
• There’s a huge jump between having a dream, and having the courage to follow it. (43:57)
• While we were in sniper school, that’s when Operation Red Wings went down. (69:20)
• When they found you [Marcus Luttrell] it was like a miracle, like no one could believe that you were alive. It was bittersweet because we lost everybody else. (81:46)
• Our fastest sniper rifle shoots about 3,000 feet per second, and an explosive goes somewhere around 12,000 to 25,000 feet per second. (95:02)
• I was in a vehicle rollover where I shattered my right wrist, and had a level 5 shoulder separation on my left side. I was in the hospital for ten days. (103:59)
• He (Gary Sinise) truly lived the example of “We can never do enough for our veterans, but we can always do a little bit more.” (131:10)
• If you were to ask me what 2 years I would never want to repeat again in my life, it’s the 2 years transitioning out of the military into the private sector and starting from scratch at 42 years old.
• I had 1 superpower in BUDS and that was taking cold water and just splattering everybody. (156:24)7)


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