Rough Stone Rolling-11 Facts I learned about Joseph Smith & Church History

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11 Facts I learned about Joseph Smith & Church History reading Rough Stone Rolling.
We are highlighting one of the best written Biographies of Joseph Smith by a LDS historian Richard Bushman

Understanding not everyone is willing to read a 500-page book about Joseph Smith, I decided to read it so you don’t have to (unless you want to!) Rough Stone rolling is worth reading.

Richard Bushman served as the President of the Mormon History Associate- So yes, this book is written & by a member of the Church and is a LDS historian.
Richard Bushman, the Author of Rough Stone Rolling is one of the general editors of the Joseph Smith Papers. That means he writes for the Church

As a lifelong LDS Member [30+ years] and one who was a Second Councilor in the Bishopric, I was very much surprised about some of the facts (unsettling at times ) I learned in Rough Stone Rolling concerning Joseph Smith & Church History.

Such as Joseph’s Smiths Polygamy & Polyandry.
Joseph Marrying women who have living husbands
Joseph being commanded by an Angel with a flaming sword to practice Polygamy
Freemason temple endowment connection
The Book of Abraham translation theory
Kinderhook plates
Women giving blessings
Many Prophecies that never came to pass
Joseph & the Apostles speaking in tongues
Joseph using the same Seer stone to translate the Gold plates into the Book of Mormon as he used for treasure hunting and so many more!

To add some clarity to these facts and to better understand Church History, I made this presentation of 11 very interesting facts I learned from Rough Stone Rolling.

Nearly 98% of all the text in the presentation comes straight from the Book [Rough Stone Rolling] – Richard Bushman is a LDS Author and a past president of the Mormon History Association, Bushman also worked on the church published , Joseph Smith Papers Project.

I hope you enjoy!!

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