Surf Tips - How to do an Aerial

Описание к видео Surf Tips - How to do an Aerial

The aerial or 'air' is one of surfing's more difficult and sought after manouevres, so we decided to lend you a helping hand. There are many variations to the aerial so we cover some of the basics with a straight air and a frontside air reverse.

1. The approach: You need speed to do airs, but contrary to popular belief this doesn’t have to mean racing down a whole wave until you get to the end section, you can generate a lot of speed in a short space of time if you stay right near the pocket of the wave and then let your board loose just before you reach the section. It all depends on the wave but I really don’t recommend racing an entire wave when trying to do an air. So, once you’ve got the speed you do a shallow bottom turn and get low to your board, touching the face of the wave with your hand is a great little reference point. Widen your stance as well to help keep you centred over the board.

2. The entry: The angle you hit the lip for an air is very important, too lateral and you end up doing a floater and too vert you will either not get in the air or just go off the back, see the video, but about a 30 degree angle off the top will make your chances of success better. At the moment you hit the lip your legs should be extended so that the lip can then push the board up in towards your body as you bend your legs.

3. The aerial: Whilst some may say “just do an ollie or a jump” and this is partly true, we want this air to be a power move and not to look stupid of course. When you do a real air (however small) it is the timing of hitting the lip, or the crest of the wave if you do it out of the bowl, that should send you into the air. Then you can bend your legs similar to a jump to help keep the board under your feet. Even if you are doing an air reverse the theory is very similar, of course you have to rotate your body, but the landing is where things change. Whilst in the air you should try and stay as centred over your board as possible and have an idea where you want to land. Keeping your arms lifted near will keep you unweighted and centred over your board.

4. The completion: To land the air you need to now extend your legs and push the board onto your landing spot, this is why it is crucial to have an idea already where you want to land it. This of course all happens very fast! So you push down towards your landing spot which hopefully is a nice little bit of white water enabling an easier landing. Don’t project out into the flats and of course try not to land on the back of the wave. Whilst you are in the air the wave of course keeps moving towards the beach while you are in the air so you do need to emphasise throwing the air ‘forwards’. This is especially important for the air reverse or alley-oop.

5. Recovery: The recovery for most manoeuvres is the same, compress your legs and get low over the board to help you get out of the move and into the next one with maximum speed. With the air you may fall into layback or have a bit of a wobble on landing, so really try and stay as low as possible to ensure a good success rate.

Common Mistakes:
1. Getting the timing wrong when hitting the lip. You need that lip pushing the board up onto your feet and forwards towards the beach.

2. Landing on the back of the wave is something that is bound to happen, sometimes it is just a lack of commitment to the landing and other times it is not projecting forwards towards the

3. Straightening your legs too early.

1. Widen your stance and get your back foot right back when going for an aerial.
2. If you already have a good closeout turn in your toolkit, you can literally just do the same motion but imagine the lip is a foot higher than where it really is.

3. Air Reverse: There are a few really handy tips for the air reverse, you don’t have to do them but they make it a little easier to land. Firstly try not to point your front arm down as whilst rotating, this puts all the weight on your front foot and will result in you ‘almost landing’ a lot of airs; ideally bend that front arm and keep it raised. Another good one is to really try and throw the air reverse towards the beach and not down the line, it helps keep the board under your feet and with the momentum of the wave which increases the likelihood of landing.

4. Trying to keep your upper body relaxed will vastly improve your success ratio of all manouevres.

5. If you really want to get into airs you need to surf waves that allow you to practice them a lot, so find that spot and put in the effort.

If you have any questions or want to tell us what is or isn’t working or any suggestions then please share them below.


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