芸舞妓さんの笑顔が素敵!外国人観光客が真夏の暑さを忘れるほど癒される!京都の夏が熱い!外国人観光客の芸舞妓さんへの愛情も熱い!京都祇園。Foreign tourists are soothed!

Описание к видео 芸舞妓さんの笑顔が素敵!外国人観光客が真夏の暑さを忘れるほど癒される!京都の夏が熱い!外国人観光客の芸舞妓さんへの愛情も熱い!京都祇園。Foreign tourists are soothed!


[4k 60fps映像]真夏の京都、蒸し暑さが容赦なく降り注ぐ中、祇園の街は異国からの観光客で賑わっていました。その中心に現れたのは、笑顔がまぶしい芸舞妓さん。彼女たちの美しさは、日本の伝統文化を象徴するものとして、外国人観光客の目を釘付けにしました。




The smiles of geisha and maiko are lovely! They are so relaxing that foreign tourists forget the midsummer heat! Summer in Kyoto is hot! Foreign tourists' love for geisha and maiko is also hot! Gion, Kyoto, Japan.

[4k 60fps video] In midsummer in Kyoto, the humid heat was pouring down mercilessly, and the town of Gion was bustling with tourists from foreign countries. In the middle of it all appeared geisha and maiko with dazzling smiles. Their beauty, as a symbol of traditional Japanese culture, caught the eyes of foreign tourists.

With their white-painted faces, rouge lips, gorgeous kimonos and hair accessories, maiko look like living works of art. In particular, their smiles have a special charm that warms the hearts of all who see them. Foreign tourists are captivated by their smiles and can't stop taking pictures of them.

Despite the heat, tourists walk around the streets of Gion, eagerly waiting for the moment they will encounter a maiko. Summer in Kyoto is certainly harsh, but the smiles of the maiko are soothing that they make you forget the heat. The hospitality in their smiles transcends language barriers and reaches directly into the hearts of tourists.

In this way, the streets of Gion have become a special place where people from foreign lands and Japanese traditions intersect, and the beautiful smiles of the maiko adorn this intersection. No matter how hot it is in midsummer in Kyoto, the love for the maiko is even more passionate, drawing even more attention from the tourists who visit.


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