How to Get Rid of Silverfish in your Home | BEST Tips for Getting Rid of Silverfish Bugs Naturally

Описание к видео How to Get Rid of Silverfish in your Home | BEST Tips for Getting Rid of Silverfish Bugs Naturally

DIY Pest Control Tips: - In this video I will show you the ultimate tip on how to get rid of silverfish in your house. These insects are not dangerous but they can be very hazardous to your wallet. Females can lay up to 20 eggs per day so populations can grow out of control very quickly. Even small populations of silverfish bugs are able to cause substantial property damage. These insects can ruin clothing, food, wallpaper, books, cardboard and numerous other items around the house. Today I am going to show you the best ways to get rid of silverfish naturally.

Before we get started, here is some basic information on these common pests. Silverfish bugs are in the scientific category of Lepisma saccharina. They are sometimes referred to as fish moths. They are small, wingless insects with a silver/blue body. Infestations are found in moist areas with humidity between 75 - 95%. The most common areas they can be found in your house are attics, basements and bathrooms.

The good news for homeowners is that this is an easy pest control project and it will not require a professional exterminator. This is wonderful because calling a company like Orkin can be very expensive. Actually, killing silverfish won't even require chemicals or harsh insecticides. All you will need is a few natural ingredients. In this video I will reveal these simple ingredients and show you how to get rid of silverfish in your house once and for all! These are powerful yet simple ways to eliminate insects naturally.

When you are finished with the video, don't forget to check out the additional information that I mention. I will show you where to get the proper ingredients and how to get them cheap. I also posted other fantastic advice about how to get rid of silverfish in an attic, bathroom, closet and anywhere else in your home. This advice is important and you should read it before you get started.

On that page, I'll also give you another natural alternative that does not require you to dilute and mix the repellent yourself. There is a spray that recently hit the market that uses similar ingredients to my recipe. This product works extremely well for controlling bugs and even performs better than some toxic insecticides. In addition to getting rid of silverfish, this spray will also provide a natural way to kill ants, crickets, spiders, flies, bugs and many other insects in your home.

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This is the perfect DIY pest control project. You don't need to pay hundreds of dollars for an exterminator. You also don't need to contaminate your home with harmful chemicals. The only thing you need to kill these bugs is about $15 dollars, a little cleaning and a few precautions. I'd like to thank you for watching my video about how to get rid of silverfish naturally. I wish you and your family the best of luck!


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