腌制青辣椒 How to make Pickled Green Chili

Описание к видео 腌制青辣椒 How to make Pickled Green Chili

材料 / Ingredients:
200克 青辣椒 / 200g Green Chili
300毫升 白米醋 / 300ml Rice Vinegar
170克 泽合冰糖花 / 170g Chek Hup Diamond Rock Sugar
半茶匙 盐 / Half Tsp Salt

步骤 / Method:
Mix the rice vinegar, rock sugar and salt evenly.

Rinse the green chili, remove the cap of chili and cut it into thick slices. Then sieve off the seed.

Heat up some water in a wok, add the green chili inside and blanch for 10 seconds. Remove it from the wok and soak it in cold water. Then drain it.

Place the green chili in a bottle, pour in the rock sugar and vinegar mixture and marinate it overnight. Ready to serve.


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