quinn/rachel | losing your memory

Описание к видео quinn/rachel | losing your memory


No idea where this came from and it's not very good, but hope you like it anyway! There's like ten seconds or so of nothing at the end and a couple of glitches but I didn't have the energy to render it again, so :P

PLOT: Rachel and Quinn have been secretly in love for years though Quinn's never worked up the courage to go public with their relationship. When Finn proposes to Rachel, she accepts and though Quinn is heartbroken, she agrees to come to the wedding. On the way to the wedding, she gets into a terrible car accident, effectively putting a stop to the nuptials. When she finally wakes up, Rachel realizes that she doesn't remember who she is or what kind of relationship they had. She breaks it off with Finn and re-introduces herself to Quinn, glad that they can make a fresh start.

FINN: Rachel Berry, will you marry me?

RACHEL: Finn asked me to marry him.
QUINN: You can't.

FINN: After the competition, Rachel and I are gonna get married.

FINN: You have to choose eventually.

FINN: You can't admit to everybody that you're in love with Quinn and she might not love you back.

QUINN: Oh, you are so naive. This whole school is about labels!
RACHEL: I don't care! I don't care about anybody but you.

RACHEL: Okay, fine. I still love you, okay, is that what you want to hear?
QUINN: I can't do this.

RACHEL I can't.
FINN: Can't what?
RACHEL: I can't be a couple with you.

RACHEL: I'm Rachel Berry.

COLORING: ShatteredxDesires

SONG: Losing Your Memory
ARTIST: Ryan Star


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