BGP - Why does the BGP Algorithm Prefer eBGP routes over iBGP routes?

Описание к видео BGP - Why does the BGP Algorithm Prefer eBGP routes over iBGP routes?

One of the things that is checked by the BGP best path algorithm is whether a particular route was learned via eBGP or iBGP. If all previous attributes are equal, this characteristic is used as a tie breaker. eBGP routes are chosen over iBGP routes. In this video, I'll show you how this attribute operates, and I'll also explain why this is the case.

Border Gateway Protocol, or BGP, is a routing protocol that uses a series of attributes to determine the best path through large networks such as the Internet. These attributes are examined in a standardized and predefined sequential order.

If you want to find out more about the BGP routing protocol, or the method by which attributes are used to determine the best path, take a look at some of my other videos linked below (after the chapter list...)

Chapter list:
00:00 Introduction
00:28 BGP Prefers eBGP over iBGP
01:56 Walking Through the BGP Algorithm
03:56 Why is eBGP preferred over iBGP?
04:41 Summary

Related links and videos:
Video: What is BGP? -    • What is BGP?  
Video: BGP attributes and determining the best path -    • BGP Attributes and Determining the Be...  
Video: BGP Attribute Categories -    • BGP Attribute Categories - well-known...  
Video: BGP - The BGP Weight Attribute -    • BGP - The BGP Weight Attribute  
Video: BGP - Why is the BGP Best Path Algorithm so complex? -    • BGP - Why is the BGP Best Path Algori...  
Video: BGP - What is the Local Preference Attribute? -    • BGP - What is the Local Preference BG...  
Video: BGP - What is the Origin Code BGP Attribute? -    • BGP - What is the Origin Code BGP Att...  
Video: BGP - What is the MED BGP attribute? -    • BGP - What is the MED BGP Attribute?  
BGP Official Definition RFC 4271 -

#ebgp #ibgp #bgp #routingprotocol #networks #bgpalgorithm #lazarusagapidis


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