Introduction to EMC Testing on Electric Vehicles, an Ametek CTS Webinar

Описание к видео Introduction to EMC Testing on Electric Vehicles, an Ametek CTS Webinar

The introduction of electric vehicles poses many EMC challenges for the Automotive Designer and Test lab Engineer, including the requirements of additional EMC standards that must be met. Watch the webinar to get some insights and best practices on this important topic.

During the event, the presenter will cover topics including:

• Introduction to EMC testing on electrical vehicles and components
• Overview about the current situation with standardization
• Tests performed on high voltage EV components based on the example of ISO 21498-2 standard
• Presentation of test solutions

ABOUT THE PRESENTER Thomas Handschin is the Product Manager for EMC conducted products at AMETEK CTS. His product portfolio includes testing solutions for harmonics, flicker, and HV electrical vehicle testing.

Thomas has an engineering degree in microtechnology and business management engineering, and 15 years of test and measurement experience. He is also a member of IEC technical committee 77A working group 1(harmonics) and 2 (flicker).


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