How I mix my Bloom Recipe!!! (Talking) AND a Wreck a Bloom! / Acrylic Pouring Techniques

Описание к видео How I mix my Bloom Recipe!!! (Talking) AND a Wreck a Bloom! / Acrylic Pouring Techniques

(Talking) Bloom Technique Tutorial showing how I mix my recipe and cell activator!

Use CODE: ericahughes120 for 20% off all Colourarte products! (Primary Elements, Bling its and much more)

FLUID ART APPAREL!!! Check it out here:


*Base Paint (Pillow): Homebase Pure Brilliant white silk (interior walls and ceilings) thinned to desired consistency!

*3 parts Valspar wood and metal interior BASE C V700 Blend, 1 part Vallejo polyurethane gloss varnish (my new favorite gloss varnish for the bloom recipe)
*Recently started adding Golden Heavy Gel Medium to my Pigments for extra body.

*CELL ACTIVATOR: 1 part Amsterdam Titanium White; 3 parts Australian Flood Floetrol (I mostly eyeball this but I do a test bloom on an old canvas before I start my painting. If it cells happy days but you need to tilt to see if everything is moving as one!

Please note: I'm in Ireland! So you may or may not be able to get the same products. Check Youtube for another artist in your region that does the bloom recipe. Or take the Sheleeart Online course. After you purchase that course you get into a private facebook group that you can then ask what people are using in your area!

If you would like 15% off the Sheleeart Online Course use Code: sheleearterica15

Sheleeart Online Course:
(this is the online course I took to learn the Sheleeart Technique)

Other Bloom Recipes I use:
*Mixed pigments and tube paints with 3 parts Vivid Enamel (Colourarte), 1 part Jo Sonja polyurethane gloss varnish (Or Vallejo)


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If you would like 15% off the Sheleeart Online Course use Code: sheleearterica15
Sheleeart Online Course:

#Bloomtechnique #ericahughesart #acrylicpouring


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