How to Make a Hex Grid in Unity - Basic Setup

Описание к видео How to Make a Hex Grid in Unity - Basic Setup

Learn how to create a hexagonal grid system in Unity with this step-by-step tutorial for beginners. In the first part of this of this in-depth Unity guide, you'll learn the basics of Unity Editor, and in the second part you'll discover how to set up a hex grid and visualize it in the Editor. This is the perfect foundation for building strategy games like Civilization.

We'll start by setting up a HexGrid class to store properties like grid dimensions and hex size. You'll learn how to draw the grid gizmos in the editor for visualization. This will be the setup we'll use to generate hexagon meshes and create tile prefabs in the future videos.

The video walks through what a hex grid is, the benefits over square grids, and how to orient your hexes pointy or flat topped. You'll get C# code samples for the grid generation and see how to attach scripts to game objects.

Some key topics covered in this Unity hex grid tutorial:

Setting up a HexGrid class with grid properties
Drawing grid gizmos for editor visualization
Creating a HexMetrics helper class for coordinates
Explaining hex grid geometry and orientation
C# code samples for hex grid generation

Follow along and you'll have a solid foundation for building your own hex-based game in Unity. Whether you're making the next Civilization or just want to learn Unity grid systems, this video has you covered.

Red Blob Games: redblobgames(dot)com/grids/hexagons/


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