Fulltone Tube Tape Echo vs. Erica Synths Zen Delay

Описание к видео Fulltone Tube Tape Echo vs. Erica Synths Zen Delay

This is a comparison of the Fulltone Tube Tape Echo with the Erica Synths Zen Delay
For both delays do not have true bypass, I used a true bypass looper (Lehle Parallel) for the audio recording.
I would like to present some sonic options by using different modes and filters of the Erica Synths Zen Delay and varying speeds and a higher record level for tape saturation of the Fulltone Tube Tape Echo.
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0:09 tape mode / band pass filter (Zen Delay)
low speed (Tube Tape Echo)
0:49 high pass filter (Zen Delay)
high speed (Tube Tape Echo)
1:32 low pass filter / drive maxed (Zen Delay)
higher record level / tone pot full ccw (Tube Tape Echo)
2:14 high pass filter / drive maxed (Zen Delay)
higher record level(Tube Tape Echo)

gear: Fender Telecaster, DelayDude Custom Amp, Shure SM57, Cubase, Evidence Audio SIS Cables, Lehle Parallel.

#Ericasynthszendelay #Fulltonetubetapeecho #delaydude


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