Turns out REST APIs weren't the answer (and that's OK!)

Описание к видео Turns out REST APIs weren't the answer (and that's OK!)

A decade ago, it seemed like everybody was talking about ReST APIs and HATEOAS, blog comment threads bristled with spirited debates about whether something was, or was not, a REST API, and we all thought hypermedia was the key to building long-lived APIs. And yet here we are, a decade later, building just as many APIs as before but seems like hardly anybody's talking about hypermedia... so what happened?

NOTE: At 8:14 or so, you can hear what sounds like a cat in this video. I am absolutely baffled as to where this came from, as there weren't any cats (or kids, or anything else that might have made a weird meowing squeaky noise) anywhere nearby when I was filming this. I've decided it must be a Ghost Cat: one of my cats who's no longer with us is now haunting my OBS installation. Let's see if they show up again in any future videos.


Roy Fielding's dissertation "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures":

Roy Fielding: "REST APIs must be hypertext-driven", October 2008:

Hypermedia Formats:

SIREN: https://github.com/kevinswiber/siren
HYDRA: https://www.hydra-cg.com/
JSON-LD: https://json-ld.org/
Collection+JSON: http://amundsen.com/media-types/colle...
HAL - Hypertext Application Language: https://stateless.group/hal_specifica...


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