Allyson Wilkinson

Описание к видео Allyson Wilkinson

Allyson Wilkinson
Born in: Johnson City, TN
Lived here: 6 years
Interview location: Mill Spring Park, Spring Street
Allyson’s mother was a Washington County native, and they moved to Texas when Allyson was young. She is now a lawyer for Washington County. She and her husband keep a farm and this store-building. A friend of hers remembers getting bologna there when it was called Mr. Beckett’s store.
“I love the job that I have now…You really are trying to help at some level. But I also love the problem solving. I love that you, you know, you can identify something and how to make it better. But right now, my job is actually, I’m the county’s attorney. So it really was an answer to my prayer to be of service… I love it. Love, love, love it… Once a month, all of the committees of the Washington County Board of County Commissioners meet. So from 8am to 6pm, one Thursday a month, they meet one after the other. And at every one of those meetings, there’s a prayer and there’s a pledge. And so I always joke that it’s like prayer and pledge day. That that many times a day, we’re reminded, you know, of how fortunate we are to be here, and to be of service, and to, you know, to live in such a great country, and to be able to do the work that we do.”


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