Esoteric Beat: Unboxing Agrippa's Occult Philosophy

Описание к видео Esoteric Beat: Unboxing Agrippa's Occult Philosophy

In which I gush enthusiastically about the greatly needed new translation of Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1533), and how I hope to use it to further my researches into topics like Agrippa's synthesis of medieval grimoires and Renaissance "Magical Reformation" the Neoplatonic "formal number" theory of Pico della Mirandola as it percolated into Agrippa's number scale tables; potential connections between the methods of extracting "seals" of planetary intelligences and spirits from magic squares, and the designs of the seals in the Goetia of Dr Rudd; and the magical applications of the angelology of Pseudo-Dionysius.


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