An old house becomes a center of sinister events | Powerful Thriller Movie in English HD

Описание к видео An old house becomes a center of sinister events | Powerful Thriller Movie in English HD

An old house becomes a center of sinister events | Powerful Thriller Movie in English HD

Witch of the Woods

Doug Richards, an ordinary insurance agent, finds himself out of work and decides to change his life by becoming a nature photographer. He moves to an old house deep in the New England woods where he plans to find inspiration for his pictures. The first few days seem peaceful and inspiring, but soon strange and ominous events begin to occur.

Over time, Doug notices that unexplained and disturbing phenomena are occurring in the house: mysterious sounds, moving objects, and strange visions. At first, he tries to find a rational explanation, but his understanding begins to crack under the pressure of these terrifying events. His attempts to find peace and inspiration turn into a struggle for survival.

Gradually, Doug realizes that he is not alone in this house. It turns out that a sinister creature lives here, seeking to capture his soul. Now Doug must find a way to survive and escape from this dangerous entity before it's too trinianpal1013 late.

Directors -Darien F. Rodriguez, Douglas Rouillard

Writer - Douglas Rouillard

Stars - Douglas Rouillard, Bryn Berg, Justin M. Tolliver


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   / @tigrasano-ec9ws  

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