This One - A Look Behind the Scenes

Описание к видео This One - A Look Behind the Scenes

To my dear friends,

Creating my latest music video "This One" was a deeply personal experience and I wanted to share the thoughts and feelings I experienced as we produced the music video.

I could not anticipate the enormous self growth and emotional development that emerged as I went through the various stages of production.

In the beginning we were very focused on the technical process, and getting every detail right from the timing of the flights to the correct number of strings in the orchestra.

This was an enormous project to undertake and required a ton of planning, and I was hyper-focused on every piece falling into place.

But suddenly, it was showtime!

I flew to Israel and then Macedonia for the filming and recordings of the project and honestly, I never dreamed that it would be such a beautiful, magical journey of self growth and introspection.

Every beat and every nuance from this music video came straight from my heart.

I really gave you all a piece of me.

And with all of my heart, I hope you enjoy some of the story behind it and a glimpse of what it meant for me to create this music video.

Love you all,

video creds:


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