Watch thieves burglarize camera stores across Southern California

Описание к видео Watch thieves burglarize camera stores across Southern California

The Southern California News Group has found 11 burglaries of photo
stores since December of 2016 with the majority of those happening
recently south of Los Angeles. Pro Photo Connection (Irvine), Tuttle
Cameras (Long Beach – twice), Paul's Photo (Torrance – three times)
and Powell Camera Shop (Covina) have all been burglarized since April.
Woodland Hills Camera was hit in December of 2016.
There are recent photo store burglaries in San Luis Obispo, San Bruno,
Fresno and Campbell California. Additionally, stories in Columbus, OH,
and St. Louis, MO, have also been hit. The Riverside County Sheriff's
Department reported no such burglaries.
Video courtesy Pro Photo Connection and Tuttle Cameras. Edited by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG


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