🔴 10.4⭐ mrekk | nameless - Shirayuki [Saitei] +HDDT 95.54% | 1242pp 5❌ - osu!

Описание к видео 🔴 10.4⭐ mrekk | nameless - Shirayuki [Saitei] +HDDT 95.54% | 1242pp 5❌ - osu!

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// = Player links
Profile: http://osu.ppy.sh/users/7562902
Discord server: https://osuck.link/dss-7562902
YouTube: https://osuck.link/yt-7562902
Twitch: https://osuck.link/tw-7562902
Twitter: https://osuck.link/twt-7562902
Skin: https://osuck.link/u-7562902
More stuff: https://osuck.link/stuff-7562902

// = Beatmap info
Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1554602?m=0
Mapper: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1052994
PP stats: https://osuck.link/b-1554602
⭐10.42 | 315bpm | AR: 10.87 | CS: 4.00 | OD: 10.75 | HP: 6.00

// = Player info
Total played: 99days
Playcount: 184 444
Rank: 1 (1)
Join: 2015-12-13 06:35:49
PP: 26 765pp

// = Useful links
All skins: https://osuck.link/skins
Send replays: https://replays.osuck.net
osugame reddit:   / osugame  
OsuSkins reddit:   / osuskins  
More links will be there: https://osuck.net

// = Me
Profile: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9893708
Discord server: https://osuck.link/dss-9893708
Discord Numbers: https://osuck.link/dsp-9893708
Twitter: https://osuck.link/twt-9893708
Twitch: https://osuck.link/tw-9893708
Reddit: https://osuck.link/rd-9893708

// = PP Counter
🔒 Design of this pp counter is private. Made by cyperdark
🔓 Software: https://github.com/KotRikD/tosu

osu! is a free to play online rhythm game, which you can use as a rhythm trainer online with lots of gameplay music! https://osu.ppy.sh/

// = Play info
Date: March 17 2024 (15:00:50)
Combo: 1 280/1 494x
Accuracy: 95.54%
Sliderbreaks: 0xSB
Misses: 5x
Mods: +HDDT
Rank: A
PP: 1 241.65pp
FC: 1 469.24pp
Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/4600168576

#CPOL #CPOL_mrekk #CPOL_1200pp


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