When It's Time To Let Them Go

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Sometimes it can be very difficult to let an ex go.
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When It’s Time To Let Them Go

Moving on from a break up can be incredibly difficult.
Guy in his early 40s dating a woman in her late 30s for about a year.

-Her Alcoholic Dad left her and her older sister and Mum when she was 12.

-Her Mum went off the rails after her Dad left and a few years later tried to commit suicide. She found her and cared for her for a year.

-She and her older sister were allowed to do what they wanted during their wild teenage years.

-She said she was feeling stressed and dysfunctional and needed some space to find her feet.

-She jokingly said around then she almost felt like 'going crazy for a year'

-She needed to find a new flat and she had lost money through a mistake at work. I offered her all the help she needed and I gave her space. (she didnt want to move in with me just yet as she likes her independence, although she said she was thinking about it)

-After about 3 weeks she became more distant and stopped replying to my texts.
-Then she texted me to say that she had found a new place, her writing career was starting to take off and she was really looking forward to seeing me and hooking up again.

-Two days later I saw her walking down the street at night hand in hand and kissing another guy.
-This is the girl who said I was the one she had been waiting for her whole life .

-She is very beautiful, creative and intelligent and guys were always asking her out when we were together.
-She picked me out of everyone but now seeing her with this other guy, I was so confused and my heart broke in a million pieces. The pain still is indescribable.

I tried to ask her to meet and talk and she refused. She doesn't like confrontations.
-She texted me to say she was now in a new relationship and didn't think it was even 'worth being friends anymore'

I was destroyed and at a total loss for words.
-I still haven't got over that because we were the best of friends as well as lovers. Same sense of humour and fun
-She said she wasn't bothered about our age difference and i was the only one she could really talk to.

For 4 weeks I texted her once a week asking if we could meet and talk with no response.

Then I met her on the street and said 'Hi Mary'. She walked right past me like I wasn't there, avoiding eye contact. It made me feel so insignificant.

An hour later I discover she has blocked me on Facebook and Instagram. Just for saying 'Hi Mary' in passing.

A week later I saw her on the street again and she crossed over to the other side to avoid me. I called her name once but she ignored me again.

She works 10 minutes from where I live and I keep seeing her with this new guy acting like a newly married couple and it's killing me slowly.
I discovered they actually moved in together after a few weeks and now have a pet together.

I keep thinking did I do something terrible to be virtually ghosted like this but I can't come up with any answer. I treated her with love, support and respect and we really had fun and moments I can't forget.

Honestly we never had problems. We we joyously happy. Only once she told me she was uncomfortable with me touching her. This was just before she said she wanted some space.

I am still in love with this girl like no one else in my entire life. I never thought id meet anyone like her.

I don't understand how she could be so loving one minute and indifferent the next. It has been the worst pain of my life.

I want her to be happy and successful but I also want her to come back to me. I know I'm probably foolish and blinded by love but I just want to communicate with her again.

My friends are angry with her and say I should have nothing to do with her but I just can't shake it. I want to start again with her. Its been about 6 months since all this and I can't go on like I've been feeling. How can I start talking to her, start again and win her back Craig?

In addition: I fell totally in love with this girl and she said she loved me too. We had the best 12 months ever. The weeks we didnt see each other because of work commitments we used to text and call and she told me everything. We totally trusted each other and I loved supported, and respected her as best I could while having lots of fun. Its like she just changed overnight.

Craig, I really love your videos, and I've been watching them a lot since I found your channel. You are the only guy out there who really connects to the audience in a real way and I've looked at a lot of videos!


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