
Описание к видео #139

In the next installment of our Leadership Mistakes series, Sten and Andy focus on financial advisors who become bottlenecks in their businesses.

Recognizing the Bottleneck Phenomenon
Are you the bottleneck? If you can’t spot the bottleneck in your business, it might be you. Andy and Sten use a clever card game metaphor to explain this common issue.

Overwhelmed by Roles
Financial advisors are unique as they are both business owners and primary service providers. Many advisors juggle multiple roles—marketer, operations manager, and primary service provider. This multi-tasking can lead to stagnation and a structural challenge that can lead to inefficiencies.

Delegation is Key
Realizing that operational tasks detract from client service is the first step towards effective delegation. It’s also important to recognize when to delegate tasks like paperwork or meeting preparation to junior advisors or support staff.

Scaling with a Small Team
Sten emphasizes that significant revenue growth can be achieved with a small, effective team—typically four to six people.

Identifying Your Superpowers
Assess what you excel at and enjoy doing, then hire around those strengths. This allows you to focus on high-value activities that drive business growth.

The 10-80-10 Principle
Be involved in the initial 10% of a project, delegate the next 80% to your team, and review the final 10% for quality control. Start with less critical tasks to build trust and confidence in your team.

Fostering a Culture of Ownership
Encourage open communication and constructive debate. Allow team members to challenge ideas and contribute their perspectives. Create an environment where team members feel empowered to make decisions and take risks. Communicate that not every idea is fully formed and encourage feedback and alternative solutions.

Moving Beyond Bottlenecks
It can be challenging to identify issues when you’re deeply entrenched in day-to-day activities. External perspectives can provide valuable insights.

This one’s a must-listen, especially if you’re a financial advisor feeling the weight of your dual roles. By embracing delegation, understanding personal strengths, and fostering a culture of ownership and open communication, you can break free from bottlenecks and create a thriving business.

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Click here to join our online EAN community for access to our resources, interaction with hundreds of Elite Advisors, and free weekly insights from Sten.

To Your Success,

Sten J. Morgan, CFP®, ChFC®

Sten Morgan, CFP, ChFC, is a leading voice in the financial services industry and one of the most accomplished young advisors in the country. He founded Legacy Investment Planning at age 25 and was named a "40 under 40" advisor by Investment News at age 30. As president of Legacy, he strives to effect positive change in the industry, coach and support other advisors, and bring true value and vision to his clients. In 7 Mindsets of Success: What You Really Need to Do to Achieve Rapid, Top-Level Success (Morgan James Publishing, February 2017), he shares tips and advice for building a successful business, including the seven mindsets that helped him become a top financial advisor with his own firm at such a young age.

Sten J. Morgan, CFP®, ChFC®


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