Are "Silver Bodybuilding Era" Physiques a Reasonable Goal? (Or can we do BETTER?)

Описание к видео Are "Silver Bodybuilding Era" Physiques a Reasonable Goal? (Or can we do BETTER?)

The silver era produced some incredibly aesthetic physiques. Are they a reasonable goal, though? Or can we perhaps even do better?

00:00 Geoff Says Hello
00:30 Part 1: Positives of the Silver Era
04:33 Part 2: Limitations of the Silver Era
10:00 Grab My Book It's Nice

Channels Mentioned:
   / danielfigueroa  
   / goldenerabookworm  

Omar Isuf "History of Steroids" video (lays out the ACTUAL timeline of drug use in bodybuilding for those who are somehow convinced that those in the silver era were all juiceheads):
   • The Origin Of Steroids  

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Geoff's Book? (Currently on sale for $19.99, has 4.7 stars, rave reviews, enjoy!)
Geoff's Instagram?
  / geoffreyverityschofield  
Geoff's Medium?
  / geoffreyschofield  
Geoff's Quora? (you probably already know!)


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