VVV by RadiationV2 (XL demon)/(3 coins)/60hz

Описание к видео VVV by RadiationV2 (XL demon)/(3 coins)/60hz

This level is incredible. It's a recreation of the game VVVVV, and the way Radiation interpreted it into GD was mindblowing. I wouldn't be able to think of how much effort was put into all of this. It functions exactly like the original game, click to change gravity. It has the same obstacles and elements too. However, this works as more of a sidescroller rather than a level you manually pace. It makes sense honestly, because the song is only so long and I think he wanted it to last the whole level. The cool thing is, you can backtrack to rooms, which would normally be useless (Unless you're going for the shiny trinkets) but I still think it's a cool feature. Even though this works as a sidescroller as apposed to the original, it's still very cool to play and very fun after learning it as well. It's the most accurate experience to playing VVVVV yet imo. The designs are simple but very clean and nice looking. It also looks really similar to the game, which is also nice. This level isn't too bad after learning it, but it's still a little tricky, mostly because of the Gravitron part, where you have to avoid obstacles while staying in the same area for 30 seconds. I had a ton of my deaths here. Overall, I really like the design and layout of the whole level. It has some neat obstacles such as fish and cards which adds some nice variation. It's also really fun to play after getting the layout memorized! The only real downside is that this level has no replay value apart from the 3 trinkets that are optional collectables. I still think this is easily one of the best game recreations. It works pretty well and looks really good and keeps the ideas of the original. I definitely recommend playing this, but there's something to keep in mind. If your device lags at all, the level will bug and cause you to die randomly. Luckily, there's a well crafted LDM for those who need it, but if it still lags then that sucks. The 2nd thing is that the level completely breaks on 144hz and the entire screen ends up moving to the right gradually and the Gravitron completely breaks. That's why I had to beat this on 60hz. None of this is Radiations fault, as it is not easily preventable whatsoever in these kinds of levels, it really does just push the limits. However, even with all of those things, I could see this getting featured. Switching to 60hz should be an easy fix, you just need to turn off Vsync. I understand that it sacrifices visual quality and it's not fun for everyone, but I still think this level has the stuff to get featured. It's one of the best working game recreations in GD, and I recommend you try it if you can! :)


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