EP 28: The IDDSI framework with Peter Lam

Описание к видео EP 28: The IDDSI framework with Peter Lam

As clinicians working in dysphagia management, providing guidance on different consistencies to support our patients in their rehabilitation process and daily life is a fundamental aspect of our clinical responsibilities. However, effective communication about these consistencies is a recurring challenge for both patients and clinicians. In previous episodes, you have already heard us talk about IDDSI. We have now had the pleasure to talk to Peter Lam (https://iddsi.org/About-Us/Board-and-...) (chair person and chief-executive officer) from the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI). Peter gives a comprehensive overview of IDDSI: What it is, why it is helpful for dysphagia clinicians and how to start implementing it in clinical practice.

You can find lots of resources on the IDDSI website: www.iddsi.org (http://www.iddsi.org/) . You can find more information on the testing methods here (https://iddsi.org/Testing-Methods) . If you have any questions for the IDDSI team, you can email them at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])


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