Catch HEAPS of King George Whiting with these!

Описание к видео Catch HEAPS of King George Whiting with these!

KG whiting have got to be one of the best eating fish in the ocean and the best part about them is just how accessible they are to everybody. You only need a small boat to catch them and you really don't have to go far from shore to get a good haul. In this video we headed out for a quick fish to catch some KG's with the soon to be released Vexed Bottom Worms. We aren't KG experts but we have been having a bit of luck lately catching a few around broken weed and sand patches with fresh squid as bait. Check out the new Vexed Bottom Worms launching first at

Vexed Micros launching next week!

Vexed Micro Meat

Vexed Bottom Worm Mutsu

Vexed Bottom Worm Longshank


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