Lymphatic Health Exercises | Arm-Swinging Ring the Bell

Описание к видео Lymphatic Health Exercises | Arm-Swinging Ring the Bell

Stand in a neutral position, unlock both your knees a little. Swing both arms up in front of you to just above head height. Let them drop back and swing down naturally. Repeat the cycle in a slow, flowing continuous motion. As your arms swing downwards, drop through both your knees and let your head fall forwards a little. Catch and spring yourself back up through your knees. Use a continuous knee-bobbing motion to allow your back to rock forwards and backwards naturally with the arm-swinging rhythm. Focus on keeping your arms, wrists and hands completely loose in space, try to forget about holding onto them as they fall and move like pendulums. Let the power and momentum come from your knees and back, flicking your arms all the way up as far as comfortable. Make sure you’re pivoting at your mid-back, not your hips. Find a rhythm and pace that suits you. Bounce softly within the natural range of your reach and stretch. Test your range as you go, yet remain feeling within a tension-free zone. This is a soft, pumping dance, not a stretch. Go as wide and as strong as you can handle, yet as light as is comfortable for you. Keep the motion smaller if necessary. Stay relaxed and loose. Consistently breathe lightly and through your nose.

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