The Three Metamorphoses | Friedrich Nietzsche How to Find Yourself

Описание к видео The Three Metamorphoses | Friedrich Nietzsche How to Find Yourself

The Three Metamorphoses are the Friedrich Nietzsche how to find yourself recipe - it charts the three major metamorphoses we must go through when seeking to find yourself. These are the camel the lion and the child. The Three Metamorphoses is a chapter in the masterpiece of Nietzsche Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
In this legendary chapter, Friedrich Nietzsche outlines the three metamorphoses that occur on the path to self-actualization. These are the three transformations from man into camel into the dragon-slaying lion and finally into the child who achieves the transvaluation of all values (aka the revaluation of all values).
Thus Spoke Zarathustra and the philosophy of Nietzsche are inexorably bound together. This was the book that Friedrich Nietzsche most believed in and adored. It transformed his inner world and this story of Nietzsche's Three Metamorphoses is pivotal to that transformation. This is the cornerstone of his advice to become who you are. So let's dive in and see Nietzsche's recipe for how to find yourself by looking at the camel child baby of Nietzsches Three Metamorphoses.

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