Why InPlace Upgrade with leapp CLI is the best way to upgrade your OS!

Описание к видео Why InPlace Upgrade with leapp CLI is the best way to upgrade your OS!

InPlace Upgrade using leapp CLI - rhel7 to rhel8

0:00 - Intro
0:36 - Leapp documentation via google
1:00 - Leapp documentation via full docs page
1:54 - Initial view of the leapp documentation
2:48 - Initial commands in the lab server (rhel7.8)
9:30 - Updating the system before in place upgrade
14:57 - Installing the leapp-upgrade package
18:28 - Knowing the leapp parameters
21:26 - leapp preupgrade and all the necessary checks
32:23 - Checking the Severity reports
35:48 - leapp upgrade
38:18 - The second phase
40:43 - rhel8 up and running, after the last restart of the leapp process
42:26 - Verify the post-upgrade state of the rhel8 system
43:43 - Performing post-upgrade tasks (DON'T SKIP IT, PLEASE)
52:55 - Closing

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