Forgotten Children 边缘儿童 EP4 | The children of South Korea

Описание к видео Forgotten Children 边缘儿童 EP4 | The children of South Korea

The death of 16-month-old toddler Jung-In who was abused by her adoptive parents in South Korea has revealed the extent of the child abuse problem in the country. Why are there so many brutal child abuse cases in S. Korea? The snowballing public outrage has provoked people to take to the streets, denouncing the government's failure and demanding harsher punitive laws against child abuse. 韩国16个月大女婴郑仁遭养父母虐待致死案震惊亚洲各地,揭发韩国每天平均上百宗虐童事件的严重现象。手段形同冷血杀人犯的施暴者,逾八成是亲生、继或养父母。韩国何以频频发生残暴的虐童案?郑仁案激怒民众上街示威,谴责政府失职、要求修订法律以暴制暴,人民的诉求成功了吗?死去的孩子冤屈有被洗刷、安息了吗?


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