Squirt Trimaran - Challenging 2023 Texas 200

Описание к видео Squirt Trimaran - Challenging 2023 Texas 200

I had been feeling a certain apprehension, a very real foreboding, for a good week prior to leaving Utah to drive the 1,700 miles to Port Isabel, Texas for the start of the 2023 Texas 200.
The first night out, at dusk, I learned Julie my wife, had had to put my dog down. One-Man-Chance couldn't hold on any longer.
I am so grateful to Julie for taking such sweet care of him. I am also very glad I happened to camp off on my own a little at Camp 1.
I wailed and balled something awful. It wasn't a pretty sight. The wind was howling too. That helped...
Chance could no longer breath, catch his breath to walk, or keep anything in his stomach. He was fourteen. I rescued him as a scared little fellow from a poor living environment. He became so attached to me I named him One-Man-Chance. Chance had eyes only for me. I was his entire world.
Despite marvelous winds and wonderful conditions for sailing, my heart was just not the same. My lovely little boat Squirt, built for this event, took good care of me in my distress. She is very forgiving. I never doubt I can finish the 200 plus miles when I shove off. This year was no exception. I finished. Drop-out rate was close to 50%.
The next day I lost my GoPro overboard in horrific winds as I fought to reach a last resort tiny spit of land for the night. The depth was insufficient for my rudder and leeboard to stay down so I had a heck of a time handling sails, rudder and leeboard downhaul lines and keeping the boat on a heading that would bring me to safety. Fortunately, I managed.
From then on, I sailed in the moment with Chance on my mind and in my heart. I was devastated. Thankfully, many fellow Texas 200 sailors shared photos and video clips they took. I also used my phone a little when I felt it was safe to do so. I couldn't risk losing it in those remote locations. I had far less footage than I would normally when I got back home. Nonetheless, I managed to put together a single video of my time on the water.
Confession, I placed a number of your contributed photos and videos out of sequence. Not sure why and I don't really care. But, for any purists who know those waters, and those who sent me the shots, I do apologize.
Thank you all who helped me in a host of ways to make my 2023 a memorable event.
I will be back. Hopefully in a better spirit next time.
This year was tough for me.
Squirt Out.


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