hip opening yin yoga | releasing emotional + physical tension

Описание к видео hip opening yin yoga | releasing emotional + physical tension

i created this class because one of my TikTok videos did really well. I was speaking about how I do everything in my power to keep my hips soft. how I refuse to store negative energy where there should only be love and light. it was beautiful how many people resonated with my words and how many people wanted to make a change, to be softer and more in tone with their bodies.

i encourage you to find the space and time when you are alone to do this. honor yourself by being completely present and understanding with whatever comes up during this practice.

after I do any kind of deep, intentional stretches, I like to grab my journal and write a few things down. what made me uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally? how did I react? how did I feel?

i hope you enjoy. take care of yourself and i’ll see you soon :)

you can find my playlists and other social media in my profile 🪷


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