Pokemon Renegade Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke (Rom Hack)

Описание к видео Pokemon Renegade Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke (Rom Hack)

This Pokemon Platinum ROM Hack is INSANELY HARD!

0:58 Chapter 1
5:58 Chapter 2
15:32 Chapter 3
19:57 Chapter 4
24:10 Chapter 5
29:52 Chapter 6
40:00 Chapter 7
45:08 Chapter 8
53:04 Chapter 9

In this video, I beat a Pokemon Renegade Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke… and it didn’t go very well.

(1) If a Pokémon faints, it must be perma-boxed or released.
(2) Only the first Pokémon encountered in each Route/Area can be caught.
(3) No Legendaries/Mythicals, duplicates, or same-evolution-line Pokémon can be caught or used. If a duplicate is encountered, the next unique type-specific Pokémon encounter can be caught.
(4) Additional Pokémon may be caught for the purpose of HM use, but these may not be used in battle at any time during the run.
(5) No Items can be used in battle (Held Items are allowed).
(6) Party Pokémon levels are limited to the highest level Pokémon of the next Kahuna, Totem Pokemon or Final Elite 4 Member. So long as your Pokémon are at or below the level cap when the Gym Leader/Elite 4 Member battle starts, they can level up mid-battle.
(7) "Set" Battle Mode must be used at all times.
(8) No connecting with other games for the purposes of importing Pokémon, Items, etc.

Thanks for watching!

… why are you still reading this far down? Freak.

Pokemon Hardcore Nuzlocke of Red Blue Yellow Gold Silver Crystal Ruby Emerald Sapphire Diamond Pearl Platinum Black White X Y Sun Moon Sword Shield Scarlet Violet Heartgold Soulsilver FireRed LeafGreen Black 2 White 2 Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl

#Pokemon #Nuzlocke #PokemonChallenges #Gaming #PokemonChallenge #HardcoreNuzlocke #PokémonViolet #PokemonScarlet #pokemonplatinum #pokemonrenegadeplatinum #pokemonromhack #pokemonhardcorenuzlocke #renegadeplatinum #gen4 #PokemonSinnoh #NuzlockeChallenge #LetterLock #monotype #blind #drayano #pChal #flygonhg #silphspectre


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