Clinton meets newly appointed UK Foreign Secretary Hague

Описание к видео Clinton meets newly appointed UK Foreign Secretary Hague

(14 May 2010) SHOTLIST
1. Wide shot US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and British Foreign Secretary William Hague walking out
2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Hillary Rodham Clinton, US Secretary of State:
"The interchange between President Lula and President Medvedev in Moscow today illustrated the hill that the Brazilians are attempting to climb because the Brazilians are still hopeful that because of President Lula's visit that the Iranians will agree to meet with the P5+1 (= the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany), that they will accept the Tehran research reactor proposal, that they will begin to abide by the international obligations. And in fact, President Medvedev told President Lula, in the context of the visit, that he didn't give them more than a one in three chance."
3. Cutaway Clinton and Hague
4. SOUNDBITE: (English) William Hague, British Foreign Secretary: +++SOUNDBITE IS CLIPPED AT THE BEGINNING+++
"There is no magic to this approach, it requires persistence and determination and united strength in the international community to tackle this problem and so we will buttress that as indeed our predecessors have tried to do. And we are not calling it... we've never ruled out supporting in the future military action, we are not calling for it. It is precisely because we want to see this matter settled peacefully and rapidly that we call for the sanctions, that we support the idea of a Security Council resolution."
5. Cutaway Clinton and Hague
6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Hillary Rodham Clinton,US Secretary of State:
"Overall, we are very convinced that Iraq is certainly able to deal with these in both the military and police functions but also equally importantly in their political structures, and we see nothing that would in any way interfere with our timetable for withdrawing American troops."
7. Wide of Clinton and Hague, zoom in to Clinton
8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Hillary Rodham Clinton, US Secretary of State:
"Well, as to the first question, the answer is no. I have no absolutely no concern whatsoever. We don't formally have a coalition government in the way that you have formed one in the UK now, but we have enough of our own internal differences that we have to sort through. So I see nothing at all unusual about this new government."
9. Wide of Hague and Clinton
10. SOUNDBITE: (English) William Hague, British Foreign Secretary:
"I think it's very important for our partners and friends around the world to know that what we have set out to achieve here is a particularly stable period in British politics and government, two of the three political parties that fought in our election have come together to put the national interest ahead of the party interest. Creating as we have done so a sizable majority in the House of Commons, to sustain a government over a full five year term. And I think there has been a strong welcome for that."
11. Hague and Clinton walk away
US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a joint appearance with the new British Foreign Secretary William Hague on Friday, that she has "no concern whatsoever" that Britain's new coalition government would lead to problems for the U.S.-British relationship.
Clinton said the British coalition was off to an impressive start.
Hague and new British Prime Minister David Cameron have said they want more independence from Washington than their predecessors, but Hague called relations with Washington an "unbreakable alliance."
Clinton said that Iran's continued defiance is uniting the world in support of a fourth round of sanctions.

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