How to Master Legal Knowledge

Описание к видео How to Master Legal Knowledge

Stephen Turner Lawyers of Tomorrow - Lawyers of Tomorrow Podcast - the best podcasts for law students UK and beyond

How to Master Legal Knowledge?

So, you have all this law to learn but you know what is more important than legal knowledge? It's how do I apply law to facts? You simply cannot get a good mark in your law exam unless you know how to master legal knowledge and that means appling the law to the facts

In this video I break it all down, including these key issues:

How to apply case law - the fundamental techniques of breaking the law down into its individual elements

How to apply case law to facts i.e. how to use the facts to match them up with the law

How to apply law in exams - what to do with the facts that the examiner has deliberately given you so that you can use them. These are known as trigger facts and you must notice them since they will trigger your legal knowledge and tell you what you should be talking about.

A practical example of how to apply law to facts - I walk you through exactly what you should do

How to apply statute law - it's essentially the same skill: apply each part of the statute as you would each part of a case law test

How to master legal knowledge i.e. how to learn the facts patters that will need to exist if the law is satisfied. This is so important: learn the fact patterns as well as you learn the law. It the other side of the coin to mastering legal knowledge.

Using legal knowledge in exams: imagine the law as a magnet which draws the facts to it. You must then glue the key facts to the elements of law like iron filings sticking to a magnet.

What does apply law to facts mean? It means USE THE FACTS IN YOUR ANSWER. Cut and paste the facts from the scenario, be precise and use them in your answer to show that the law is satisfied (or not, as the case may be).

Studying for law school exams - let's look at the key elements to the overall set of skills

Okay, so what is the over all process for mastery of legal knowledge so that you can write great exam answers? Well, it breaks down into four main areas:

1. ANALYSIS: selecting the right law for any given scenario i.e. analysis of the facts and then selecting the right law. This comes back to knowing the fact patterns that will need to exist if the law is satisfied.

2. EXPLAINING the law i.e. showing knowledge and understanding of the law. You must explain it fully and thoroughly.

3. APPLYING LAW TO THE FACTS of the scenario (or rather applying the facts to the law) e.g. to show that a legal test is satisfied, using facts from the question scenario and matching them with the law.

4. CONCLUDING: what is the solution / final advice / cause of action etc? Be specific and be practical.

Of course there is way more to it than that and any law student needs proper guidance on apply the law to do well in exams.

See my website for more information

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Free Guide to Law Exams: 10 Powerful Exam-Busting Techniques to Increase Your Exam Score by 10%

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