Elden Ring - Streamers Reaction to Bayle The Dread’s 2nd Phase (My Gameplay at the End with Build)

Описание к видео Elden Ring - Streamers Reaction to Bayle The Dread’s 2nd Phase (My Gameplay at the End with Build)

Elden Ring - Streamers Reaction to Bayle the Dread’s 2nd Phase (My Almost Perfect Bayle Run Shown At The End of the Video)

0:00 LilAggy
  / lilaggy  

0:46 GinoMachino
  / ginomachino  

1:40 PatStaresAt
  / patstaresat  

2:27 Matimi0
  / matimi0  

3:15 Asmongold
  / zackrawrr  

4:15 MissMikkaa
  / missmikkaa  

4:58 My Gameplay (Almost No Hit Run NG+7 Lvl150)


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