Albarracin New Years trip 2023 - 2024

Описание к видео Albarracin New Years trip 2023 - 2024

boulders :

0:50 Los titiriteros 7A+ Arrastradero ( Bruno de Meyer)
2:10 La Lágrima (sit) 7A Arrastradero ( Samuel Duron)
6:20 Indian Secret Garden 8A Mezquita (Bruno de Meyer)
7:20 La Lavavajilladora 7B+ Mezquita ( Samuel Duron)
8:19 Vuelo sin motor 7A Techos ( Samuel Duron)
9:00 Cosmos 8A Techos ( Jack Schickler)
10:40 Quebrantamentes 7A Techos ( Nicolas Vantorre)
12:40 Helicopters on beaches (stand) 8B Techos (Jack Schickler )
13:39 Placa K 6B Techos ( Samuel Duron)
15:10 Pinturas Buldestres Sit 8A Pinturas ( Samual Duron)
16:01 Pinturas Buldestres 7c+ Pinturas (Bruno de Meyer)

More boulders have been topped and attempted, but not everything has been filmed

personally I thought that Albarracin would be a bit easier to grade than my home Crag Fontainebleau but it was the opposite...I found everything much harder there (bruno and Samuel thought the same)

maybe it depends on the style you are used to


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