Tofer Plays: Beyond the Beyond ep 6 -Emerald Cave/Simone/Arwan Ruins & The Luna Stone-

Описание к видео Tofer Plays: Beyond the Beyond ep 6 -Emerald Cave/Simone/Arwan Ruins & The Luna Stone-

-After trudging through the Emerald Caves, we made it to Simone, tried to get the curse removed but the magician couldn't. So, he suggests i seek out Zeon, the master Magician of Simone. However, it seems he's currently training at the mystic shrine.

-we head to the shrine only to find Zeon has placed a stone in the way. Only he or the mighty Arwan can move it.

-A local wizard, isolated from the rest, seems to have dropped an Emerald of some kind on the mountain trail. After an unnecessary backtrack (could have found it my first trip through), I found the emerald and returned it. After handing it over, he tossed it into his cauldron, causing a reaction!!! Upon knocking us out the front door, a strange yellow blob appeared. It followed us through the village only to reveal last minute his name was Tont!! Seems the accident turned him into...something not quite human.

-Now we head to Arwan's Ruins to find a source of power to remove the rock Zeon has placed. Upon reaching the bottom floor (OF THE MOST OBNOXIOUS DUNGEON EVER) we find the Luna Stone; this will grant us control over night and day!! With this stone, we head back to the Port where we can confront the Pirates, at night.


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