Stinson Beach California Oct 17 02024

Описание к видео Stinson Beach California Oct 17 02024

I am so fucking happy I did this trip!!! This is what it means to be human; live, love, and laugh!!! We all are expressions of beauty! What is truth for us may not be the same for another. Still knowing this we do not dictate another's own path even if it may hurt us to see them go that way against yours. Love still allows them to grow, to be themselves, Authenticity! When we let go of expectations and allow the Universe to happen for us everything is better. That is it, everyone, trust in whatever process you experience. I find this statement true!!! Here is my video of my trip out to Stinton Beach California. Thank you all for watching the light BE itself! I do encourage you all to go be the same!!! There was never any separation from LOVE, we just forgot ourselves. Rediscover what that means for you today. This is why our Ancestors, Guides, Angels, and star families are in touch with us as they are now, the time is now! Awaken rise, and conquer your fears with passion and always use the power of compassion! Love teaches us everything! Love and Light Y'all!!!!


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