3 Minute Nautilus Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

Описание к видео 3 Minute Nautilus Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Nautilus Support!

Supportilus is the absolute king of CC & lockdown! Having 4 abilities that slow, root, stun & knock up Nautilus can be incredibly frustrating to play against and incredibly fun to play!

0:00 Why Play Nautilus?
0:14 Nautilus' Abilities
0:54 Combo
1:18 Match Ups
1:23 Masteries
1:28 Build Order
1:35 Skill Order
1:38 Summoners
1:40 Lane Phase
2:21 Mid/Late Game

In this video we learn to SEASON 12 NAUTILUS SUPPORT GUIDE we cover The ONLY Nautilus Guide You Need FT. Challenger LEC Academy SirNukesAlot and we cover Nautilus Tricks You DIDN'T KNOW About we consider 11 Actually useful tips for Nautilus while considering BEYOND Immortal Nautilus TOP Lane Build ~ 6 Items 200.000+ Total Damage 🔥 LoL Nautilus s12 Gameplay in addition we look at (EDUCATIONAL) THIS IS HOW YOU PLAY NAUTILUS SUPPORT PERFECTLY IN SEASON 11 - League of Legends we see T1 Keria shows Nautilus Q cancel Trick and in general NAUTILUS SUPPORT IN SEASON 12 (TIME TO TRYHARD!)!


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