Phoenix Personal Injury Attorney | Kelly Law Team

Описание к видео Phoenix Personal Injury Attorney | Kelly Law Team

Hi I’m Attorney John Kelly of the Kelly Law Team. We understand that the injury in your life can leave you with many questions and feeling overwhelmed. Here at the Kelly Law Team, we take the time to answer all of your question .explain the legal process and outline all of your best options. We are here to walk you through this process and make sure you are comfortable and feel confident that you are on the right hands. We are dedicated to handling a wide variety of cases including auto accidents, wrongful death, slip and fall and any other negligence base claims.
Regardless of the type of case that you have, we will fight aggressively, for you to ensure that you are being treated fairly by the insurance companies. Anytime you’re injured, time is crucial.
So properly hiring an attorney to asses and investigate the case is an important part of recovering the maximum amounts for our client.
Our Firm is dedicated to provide the best attorney client relationship possible. So call me today and schedule your free consultation.
If you have any additional questions, you may post them below or visit us at http://www.jkphoenixpersonalinjuryatt...
Kelly Law Team
1 E Washington St.
Suite 500
Phoenix, AZ 85004

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