Weak Hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim?! Sh. Ibn Baz

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Sheikh Ibn Baz is asked whether there are any weak hadeeths In Sahih Al Bukhari or Sahih Muslim. He then clarifies that the overwhelming majority of hadeeths in these two books are saheeh (authentic), but mentions one hadeeth that has a problem in it.
The reality of the situations is that there are two extremes regarding this issue:
1- Those who deny the Ahadeeth of the saheehayn, regarding them as weak with no scholarly precedence- this is what the qur'aaniyyoon and other misguided groups do. This is a violation and and an opposition to the scholarly consensus. Allah says in the Qur'aan:
ومن يشاقق الرسول من بعد ما تبين له الهدى ويتبع غير سبيل المؤمنين نوله ما تولى ونصله جهنم
"And whoever opposes the messenger after guidance has been clarified to him, and follows a path other than the path of the believers, we shall turn him towards what he has chosen and cause him to enter jahannam" 4:115
2- Those who say that we must not differentiate between saheeh, da'eef and mawdoo' hadeeths, or that Al-Bukhaari and Muslim were perfect and infallible.
Rather, we must take a middle ground- that the overwhelming majority of the ahadeeth in these two books are authentic, and that we do not deem any hadeeth as week without any scholarly presedence.
Those who criticize Sheikh Al-Albaani for deeming some Ahadeeth in Saheeh Al Bukhaari to be weak should know:
That Sheikh Al-Albaani said this out of ijtihad- this was his opinion and he did not intend to oppose the scholarly consensus
That the number of Ahaadeeth that he deemed as weak was very little, unlike the modern qur'aaniyyoon who deem most/ all of its ahadeeth to be week.

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