What to Expect After Cataract Surgery - Milan Eye Center

Описание к видео What to Expect After Cataract Surgery - Milan Eye Center

www.milaneyecenter.com | Dr. Milan Patel | 678.381.2020 | Atlanta, Georgia

In order to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery, patients should adhere to the following instructions after their cataract replacement lens surgery at Milan Eye Center
• Resume a regular diet as tolerated.
• Have another adult present to assist with moving around through the rest of the day following the procedure.
• Increase activity the day after the procdure only after consulting with your doctor.
• Do not drive or operate dangerous equipment fo 24 hours after the proceudre or while taking pain medication.
• Do not bump or rub the eye.
• Wear the eye shiled at all times until your follow up appointment is scheduled.
• Remove the shield only to instill your scheduled drops.
• Wear the eye shiled while sleeping for one week after the procedure.
• Do not bend at the waist with the head below the waist for at least two weeks after surgery.
• Use all postoperative prescription eye dops and ointments exactly as directed.
• Resume all normal medication regimens as directed by your doctor.
• Keep all follow up appointments.
After the surgery
• Patient can expect blurry vision to clear with the next few days.
• New glasses can be obtained when your vision has stabilized after 4-6 weeks
• Minor discomfort is normal
• The treated eye may feel scratchy and watery once the numbness wears off
• Any discomfort should improve within a few days
• Tylenol or Advil should be adequate for any discomfort
You are allowed to use your eye for visual tasks including reading, watching television, or playing cards. These activities will not harm or affect the eye in anyway. Patients may also walk, climb stairs, cook, do light household chores.
Any strenuous activity should not be done for two weeks after surgery. Finally, patients should call their doctor at Milan Eye Center if they have any questions or experience any:
• Excessive pain that is unaffected by Tylenol
• Increasing redness or soreness of the eye
• Flashes of light that persist
• A veil coming over your vision
• Grey or blackened vision
• Fever over 101 degrees
• Persistent nausea or vomiting.
Milan Eye Center believe all patients can have a successful cataract replacement surgery by staying informed about what to do before, during and after cataract surgery.

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