Online Courses are still a MAJOR Opportunity (here's why)

Описание к видео Online Courses are still a MAJOR Opportunity (here's why)

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There are plenty of online courses nowadays.

If you just take a casual scroll through YouTube, you’ll see many videos of creators pitching their courses. This may lead some people to believe making their own course is a bad idea. The assumption being that the space is too saturated to really make a profit. But nothing could be further from the truth.

I truly believe that we're still early in the online course wave. And there's plenty of opportunity for people who have something valuable to teach to their audience. That's why in today's episode, I'll unpack my 5 reasons for why I believe online courses are here to stay.

So if you're on the fence about whether or not you should launch your own course, you should definitely give this episode a watch. After you've seen it, I'm certain your worries about making a course will be much weaker.

In this episode you'll learn:
-Why I believe we're still early in the online course game.
-Why free information cannot compete with courses.
-What your course needs to be able to sell in today's time.
-And much, much more.



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