Symphonic Metal with Epic Instrumentals

Описание к видео Symphonic Metal with Epic Instrumentals

➥ Jeder Draht Musik:
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● Thanks for listening, i hope you enjoy it. Have a great listening..


00:00 Aurora Borealis - Tears of Magdalena
04:33 Arch of Hell - Cry For The Angel
10:20 Interitus - Close My Eyes
15:32 Lethian Dreams - Under Her Wings
24:49 Artificial Darkness - St. Mary
32:09 The Legion Of Hetheria - The Gate
39:21 Empyrean - Might I Leave Lonesome Years
44:25 Bare Infinity - Lost Again
49:48 Elnordia - Frozen Flame
54:05 Hellveto - Hrabia Karpackich Szczytow
59:06 Immanifest - Thaumiel
01:04:47 Eclipsze - The Eternal Flame
01:11:07 Annatar - Quest for reality
01:16:17 Exsecror Vecordia - Waiting For Dawn
01:21:03 Lost Infinity - Eleanor
01:26:30 Abstrusa Unde - Suune Kvalta
01:34:44 Tvangeste - Damnation Of Regiomontum

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